Who Was the Archangel Gabriel?

By Max Lucado


Few creatures are as misunderstood as angels. According to the Bible, these heavenly messengers are supernatural beings—not human beings who have “earned” wings in the next life by being good in this one. Also in the Bible, when people encounter an angel, they don’t say “Aww,” like we do when we see the artist Raphael’s chubby baby cherubs. On the contrary, angel seers are filled with awe. They fall to the ground and reach for the nearest defibrillator.

Gabriel is one of only two angels whose names are mentioned in Scripture (the other is Michael). Whatever epic assignments Gabriel had previously undertaken for the Lord, this one surely topped them all. He was sent “to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary” (Luke 1:26–27).

Only heaven knows how long Gabriel hovered unseen above the girl before he made his presence known. Mary was so . . . young! She didn’t seem old enough to have a child, much less this child. Nevertheless, Gabriel gulped and delivered his message: “You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus” (Luke 1:31). A few weeks later Gabriel would visit Mary’s shocked fiancé Joseph and explain the reason for this particular name: “because he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21)

Gabriel answered a few of Mary’s questions, then added, “For no word from God will ever fail” (Luke 1:37). Later, perhaps he wondered if he had said this as much for himself as for Mary.

For some reason, I picture Gabriel puzzling at the meaning of such mysteries. I see him winging his way back to heaven, pondering a thousand inscrutable questions: The Eternal One entering into time? The Almighty becoming a helpless, tiny baby in the womb of an unmarried girl? Deity in diapers? The One who built the universe from scratch becoming the adopted son of a common carpenter? Why not break into history in a more spectacular way? I see Gabriel shaking, or even scratching, his big golden angel head.

Maybe it didn’t work that way. Maybe God’s heavenly servants aren’t given to such musings. But we earthly servants should be.

Are we? Are we still staggered into speechless wonder by the story of God’s coming?

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Who Was the Archangel Michael?


Of all of the archangels, Michael is the most well-known and celebrated of them all. He has had a lasting impact on the world and continues to shine his light upon those who call upon him. He stands at the front of God’s army and has led the way through many battles.

He is the protector and warrior. He fights for truth, integrity and protects the will of God. It is said that he possesses super strength and uses this power to protect mankind. If someone is in trouble he will go out of his way to defend them.

He leaves reassuring and comforting energy in his wake. With his might, we can feel our faith being restored and believe in the power of the Divine.

The archangel Michael is also good when we need help cutting cords between ourselves and those who do not serve us.

Archangel Michael is an immortal being. Though he is depicted in human form he is a heavenly being that works behind the scenes with his loyal and devoted sense of duty. His influence continues to touch many people’s lives and he guides them toward the light of God.

Saint Michael the archangel is a saint in the roman catholic church and is referred to in this manner in the wider Christian faith. When Lucifer turned against God it was St Michael the archangel that set up the defense lines against him. He is a fighter and will do whatever it takes to protect God and rid the world of sin. Archangel Michael was the angel that spoke to Moses at Mount Sinai whereby he gave him instructions and gave him the tablets of The Law. In Christian, Jewish, and Islamic traditions he makes several appearances.

In the roman catholic church, Saint Michael has four roles:

  • ● The first is that he is the enemy of Satan and the fallen angels.
  • ● Second, he is the Christian angel of death who gives everyone a chance to redeem themselves before they meet their end.
  • ● The third, he weighs people’s merits.
  • ● The fourth, he is the guardian of the church.

Saint Michael is acknowledged as the patron saint of police officers, military officers, mariners, and grocers. His following in the catholic faith is large and many hymns have been written in his honor. The dedicated day to celebrate St Michael the archangel is 29th September.

God’s Archangel
There are seven prominent archangels, they are Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Saraqael, Raguel, and Remiel. They are generally associated with the Abrahamic religions, mentions of them can be found in the Bible’s New Testament. The archangel Michael is one of the most commonly represented in literature, art, and throughout cultural references.

Archangel Michael Prayer
The archangel Michael prayer is performed when people are in need of his strength. As the archangel is seen as a protector, praying to him offers comfort to many. Here is a Roman Catholic Prayer dedicated to the archangel:

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

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